Saturday, September 10, 2011

So we're gonna try this blogging thing...

Hello, and welcome to the greatest blog you've ever seen!
Just kidding, welcome to...well...perhaps NOT the greatest blog you've ever seen, but a cool one nonetheless. (Unless, of course, you've never read a blog before. In that event, please feel free to tell friends, family, neighbors and strangers at Starbucks that this is the most incredibly entertaining and insightful blog you've ever encountered.)
We're Caroline and Sarah, two sophomore roommates at Oklahoma Christian University (OC). We're gonna document our second year of school--free from the restraint of curfew!--our first year of living together, and all the crazy adventures that seem to find us (getting locked out of a running car at McDonald's at 12:30 am, anyone?). We were gonna start this blog the first week of school, but it looks like we're already going strong with this procrastination thing. So, intro!

Caroline: I'm 19 years old, from Oklahoma City. I come from a pretty big family--9 kids, 5 of them adopted!  I'm an English Writing major with a Political Science minor. I think OC is pretty much the greatest school ever, don't try to argue with me. I adore reading, writing, and just stories in general. Books make up a large part of my possessions. I love music with all of my heart. I play the violin and the guitar, I sing and I wish I could play piano. Maybe Sarah will teach me! (*hint*) I also love theatre, even though I haven't had time to be in a show since senior year of highschool. (Oh, about highschool: I was homeschooled from 8th grade on. Yes, I have friends, hobbies, and knowledge. No, I am not socially inept, hopelessly naive, or super-quiet.) I am sadly addicted to coffee, and I have tried to no avail to get Sarah to drink it too. I can see a movie once or twice and quote half of it, especially Disney and Pixar movies. I love to travel, and I desperately want to study abroad in Europe my junior year. (More on that later.) 
Aanndd...I think that's it for now! You'll find out more as this blog goes on, I'm sure. 
*side note: from now on, posts by just me will be in this color. Same goes for Sarah and whatever color she picks. 

Sarah: I am also 19 years old! I was born in Del City, Oklahoma but a few years ago moved to Moore. I come from a large family with 11 kids. Seven boys, four girls, three sets of twins, all biological, same parents! And it's fantastic. :P I am currently a Math major, English minor--mainly because I plan to get teaching certification, and I am (or at least was) good at teaching math. However, this may flip-flop in the future, as I absolutely love both reading and writing and am more of the "English Major" than "Math Major" in stereotypical personality. I also love books, although my own personal collection is still in its growing stages. I absolutely adore music, which encompasses a variety of classical, country, showtunes, and the like. I play piano and some guitar, and would absolutely LOVE to play the violin. Perhaps piano lessons could be bartered for violin lessons... (*hint*) I was homeschooled my entire life until Junior and Senior year (I had some friends, many hobbies, and knowledge; I am partially socially inept, somewhat naive, and kind of quiet and shy--until you get to know me!), when I attended the greatest highschool ever, Christian Heritage Academy, full-time. I shall never be addicted to coffee, or drink it on a regular basis; it is doubtful that I'll ever drink it at all, but I am cautious about saying "never" and then having to drink it! I also inherit from my family an uncanny knack for quoting a movie without seeing it very many times; this leads to fun times with Caroline! :D  I would like to travel the world someday, particularly Switzerland, Italy, Paris, and New Zealand; however, I am not likely to go on Study Abroad, as I would rather go without having to do schoolwork. (Or ditch my roommate.)
That is all about me for the present!

Way to make me feel guilty, Sarah.

My pleasure, Caroline. (As always!) :D It's what you get if you traipse off to Europe. Guilt, and the lack of my presence.

Whoa. Double whammy. *plans to traipse off nonetheless*

Hmmm. Weighing my options, I think if I am not going to have a roommate, I might as well have a 4.0 instead. O.o

NOOO! (For those wondering, that is a thinly veiled death threat.) I feel so loved. 

I'm just saying. ;) But, in the meantime, we shall tackle sophomore year!

We shall! Sophomore year is still reeling from our arrival. 
Also, I'm very glad we have left the kitchen. Those guys were nice, but their music was way annoying. 

Yes, but they have knives. This is why we have men in University House!!! ;)

Shall we provide our dear readers with the context of that statement?

Eh...nah. Context makes life less interesting.
Shall we instead enlighten our readers by catching up on events of the past two weeks??

We shall.
Event number 1: We moved in!

Event number 2: I worked freshman orientation for a week! Sarah didn't. Cause Sarah hates freshmen.

Hey! No I don't! *Reminds Caroline that we live with a Freshman. Who is awesome, for the record.*
Event Number 3: I gained a sweetheart and official boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!! :D =] C= and *hearts*
(This actually is not chronological. But I just felt like throwing that out there. :] )
Event Number 4 (because Caroline posted two events. Also, she should capitalize "Number"s in events. 'Cause that's better.) : Caroline got locked in between the sets of glass doors at 1:00am when they were locked to keep in Freshmen. :P
*steals more of Caroline's pasta*

-Please eat more. It's yummy pasta.
-Yaay Sarah has a boyfriend! We've only been waiting for this to happen for...I don't know..MONTHS!
Also, I would like to point out that Sarah came and let me in when I got locked between those glass doors. What a great, sweet roommate...who would never think of killing me in exchange for a 4.0...

Indeed! :D
Event Number 5: Classes started. Which means Sophomore year started. And Saraline embarked on their collective adventures.

Well, that wraps it up for our first official blog post! We shall have both individual and joint posts in future, covering topics serious and silly, random and relevant. (We both like words!) In short, our goal is to help each other get through this year with most of our sanity and health (and grades!) still intact. As we encounter a few more adventures and friends along the way, we aim to discover what God has in store while making melodies--both literally and figuratively--for those around us to enjoy. So stay tuned! :)

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. "Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up."

--Sarah and Caroline

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