Friday, September 16, 2011

Rain!!! :D

Hello All!!! And welcome to blog post number two—this time, courtesy of Sarah.

Rain has come to Oklahoma. (It can happen!) This sets me to thinking about lots of things. First of all, I LOVE RAIN!!!! Rain is beautiful and refreshing and exhilarating; really, it almost cheers me up more than a sunshiny day. It’s wonderful whether I’m in a good or a bad mood. Every time the clouds billow and cool gusts of wind sweep up bringing those first few drops, I feel like skipping around and singing.

“When it rains, I don’t mind being lonely, I cry right along with the sky;
When it rains, I don’t pretend to be happy—I don’t even have to try!
When it rains, some people get down; they’re sporting a frown so I fit right in—
Yeah, the sun may brighten your day but if I had my way, I’d take the rain!”

(When it Rains, Eli Young Band. P.S. For anyone who doesn’t know, I have at least one song for just about everything. Probably a movie quote as well. :P )

Rain is just awesome, whether it’s a picture of refreshment or melancholy. (Thunder and lightning just make it better!)

Of course, every time we watch a movie and there is a scene with rain, my dad is quick to point out, “Rain means—impending change!!!” And of course, (since Daddy knows everything) he’s right, at least pertaining to movie symbols. In a movie, the rainy scene is a hint of some kind of plot twist or change of circumstances, or maybe even an inner revelation for a character. However, those within the happy (or not-so-happy) little movie world are oblivious. It’s just another rainy day.

Interesting contemplations. It sets me wondering things about what changes might be just ahead. More importantly, it brings to mind reminiscences of the changes that have already come—changes I never would’ve foreseen.

Further thought-provoking…um…thoughts. :P Facebook has this new update that will show you your status from a year ago. This is especially astonishing when you read about something that seems to have happened very recently—only to discover that it’s been an entire year! One of my statuses from roughly a year ago reads, “Rain is such a comforting depression.” It seems funny to say that a memory can be vivid and yet hazy—but that’s how it is for me when I remember this time last year.

Honestly, my freshman year of college has been the hardest time of my entire life— circumstantially, emotionally and spiritually. I remember the bleakness I felt at this time last year, the pain of loneliness and separation after leaving some of my greatest life-experiences and friends, and the anxiety of growing worries and fears still pressing on me. The actual events were hazy, blurred and surreal. It’s as though I remember those first few months in particular as being actually cold, and dim, and dark. The vivid picture that cuts through the haze is a moment I couldn’t pinpoint exactly, in which I looked around and saw the stormy shadows and drizzle of the external world as a melancholy satisfaction in their representation of my internal struggle.

—Not to sound melodramatic. But truly, that was the change that the rain brought this time last year. I wasn’t sure if I would make it through; at times, I didn’t even know whether I wanted to.

But see, I have an awesome and powerful God. And the craziest thing is, He loves me. And holds on to me whether or not I have the strength to hold on to Him. He brought me through the year, but more than that He worked in me and even through my circumstances, bringing scriptures home to my heart and using family and friends to uplift my spirits. He even brought new and fantastic people into my life. Eventually, the cold and the clouds began to fade, and spring came again. Bringing cleansing rain outside and in. And really, you know, (to get all metaphorically deep) you can’t see rainbows unless the storms pass through, right?

So, today as I wander blissfully along, breathing the sweet fresh air, I am not lonely, or melancholy, or disheartened; nor am I welcoming the overcast skies as an excuse to stop trying so hard to smile and make everything seem alright. Instead I am glorying in the wonder of God’s power, feeling as free as the rushing wind, and laughing in exhilaration at the beauty in my life. It’s raining outside; it’s a new year and a new day. Among the people I have at my side to help and encourage me are my wonderful family, a FANTASTIC roommate, and this really sweet guy who seems to see nothing but the best in me. A year ago, who would have thought?? There are always more great adventures and friends around the bend. :)

So shake your head at my silliness if you will, but just know how thankful I am to be laughing in the rain.

“He causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain and brings the wind from His storehouses.” Psalm 135:7
Signing off from my first (very long) post! If you’ll excuse me, there is puddle-stomping to be had.

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